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The proposed activity arises from the twenty-year consolidated experience of the group made up of an industrial component (TME srl, leader in design and production in the various sectors of Electronics (Telecommunications, Automotive, Domotics, Security, Military, etc)) and top-level science and engineering. The scientific activity of the group in the last two decades has been aimed at the development of methodologies and monitoring systems aimed at the rapid identification and characterization of the source. The research was carried out within the framework of national and European research projects and gave rise to numerous products in the technological and scientific sectors, documented by a large bibliography of articles and books published in international journals.

The proposed technological solution responds to the need to be able to analyze the state of health of a building or road and railway infrastructure. This need has become increasingly pressing also following the latest catastrophic events (see the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa). Most of the time these disasters can be avoided if facilities are properly monitored and maintained. Our proposal goes in this direction. We propose a technological solution that can continuously monitor 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, of a building and that in a simple and intuitive way can give warnings or alerts when some parameters exceed pre-set thresholds.

Currently this type of technology is used upon specific requests and only following particular events that require the need to know the state of the product at that precise moment. These systems are very expensive, invasive in their installation (installations with cable passages, the need to drill holes and/or coring, etc.etc) and require a previous feasibility study and a detailed data analysis by professionals. Our solution offers a system that we can define as "plug&play", i.e. with significantly lower costs and easy installation, with a series of dedicated software that deal with both the analysis of the acquired data and their dissemination through a dedicated Server/Cloud to which the owner or client can also connect via mobile devices to have a general picture of the state of the art at that moment and, above all, have the possibility of knowing the trend of sensitive parameters over time. The QUBE system is conceived at different levels.

The BASIC level has the ability to acquire and analyze accelerometric data (through a high-performance MEMS sensor) and send the parameterized information to a Server/Cloud or local server.


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